Home Language Parents in Danderyd
Dear Home Language Parents in Danderyd,
Following discussions among some of the parents of children in the home language programme about the reorganisation of the programme in August 2020, we have collected together the opinions and challenges and come up with a request (in the form of a petition) to the kommun: We would like the kommun to return the Home Language teaching to its former state, improving the accessibility for the children currently in the programme, increasing the quality of the lessons and removing the discrimination against parents that work/single parents/no-car families/those who can't take time out in the middle of the afternoon to transport their kids to and from Fribergaskolan. MANIFESTO
We would like to:
- Please read the petition and then underneath it in the comments section, fill in your name, email address (it will not be visible), which year group and language your child/children attend and then please feel free to add your thoughts too, by 30th March 2022.
- Please send it on to your own children's headteachers and please share it with any other families that are affected by the situation.
- We will send this to Skolinspektionen, Skolverket, Danderyd Kommun's Bildningsförvaltningen and Utbildningsnämnden (the politicians) and journalists at the end of March 2022.
We hope to have this investigated in time for changes to be made by the start of the autumn 2022 term.
Yours sincerely,
Nick Scardigno, Amanda Evans, Zen Holmgren - three representative home language parents in Danderyd
Yours sincerely,
Nick Scardigno, Amanda Evans, Zen Holmgren - three representative home language parents in Danderyd