A while back, I had a very fun and interesting chat with Peter Scholtze, one of the four brewers and owners of Danderyds Bryggeri. Peter started brewing as a hobby with wife Monica and their friends Mats and Marie Loreman. Their first attempt was less than successful. After a mishap with too much sugar, their bottles exploded! However, this did not deter the beer and ale enthusiasts one bit. Peter and Monica moved to England for a few years and after their return to Sweden, the two couples joined forces again and started brewing in each other’s kitchens, with much more success. Once their cupboards were overflowing with beer, they decided it was time to expand their hobby and open a brewery—hence, Danderyds Bryggeri. So was born the only microbrewery located in Danderyd, established almost on their doorstep in Sätra. They became licensed to brew and store in March 2014 and now the two couples typically brew on Saturday or Sunday every week. They brew many types of lagers and stouts, including a Belgium style blond called Spökhare (The Ghost Hare) and a dark stout called Himelsk Stout (Heavenly Stout). Their beers and stouts are sold in about 20 restaurants and shops in Danderyd and Stockholm, including Hotel Danderyd, Villa Pauli and Stockholms Golfklubb in Danderyd. You can find their beers sold in town at NK, Restaurant S:ta Clara Bierhaus and a few of The Bishops Arms locations. | This has been a busy year for the Danderyds Bryggeri team, along with being nominated as one of four best cooperatives of the year by Coompanion; they have been working hard brewing a lot of beer. They have also worked on a collaboration brew with Monks Café in Stockholm, where their beer was brewed and sold on-site. They are currently in one of their busiest seasons, preparing for summer so stayed tuned and check them out on Facebook. Just before last summer, they had many orders to fill so that restaurants could be prepared to serve their customers local beer during the summer rush. If you are lucky to be a friend or a fan (perhaps liking their Facebook page will help) you may get invited to their beer fest in the spring, which is by invitation only. They feature many guest beers in addition to their own local brews. Hurry out to one of Danderyd’s local restaurants to try one of their beers...and let us know what you think of it! |
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AuthorI'm an English gal with a Swedish husband and children living permanently in Danderyd. These are my thoughts on what is going on around here. Sign up here for the latest posts via email:
January 2023