The two local playgroups in Stocksund and Enebyberg are now closed, at the moment until 3rd May. The wonderful staff are working in the nursery schools that need them.
Local council news
The two local playgroups in Stocksund and Enebyberg are now closed, at the moment until 3rd May. The wonderful staff are working in the nursery schools that need them.
Local business update If you can read some Swedish and feel like some light mental health boosting, check out Bitte Kempe Björkman's tips and thoughts on working from home right now: Don't forget to leave her a comment too. She isn't paid to write this so let's support her efforts! Have you been out on the ice yet? The ice rinks in Danderyd are now open for public skating at certain times until approximately the first week in March 2018. The times can be altered to allow for competitions.
Public skating here is free but please be aware that you also can't hire ice skates. Public sessions also allow for hockey practice so if you have tiny children, avoid the times that say 'with hockey sticks' as this means hockey pucks on the ice too and they can hurt if they hit you. However, it is usually fine to skate at these times, somewhere on the rink! This are the normal public skating times across the area: Stockhagen indoor rink - Stocksund (with hockey sticks) Saturday 11.00-13.30 Sunday 11.00-13.30 Stockhagen outdoor rink - Stocksund (without hockey sticks) Saturday 12.00-14.30 Sunday 12.00-14.30 Enebyberg IP ice rink Thursday 14.00-15.30 Half of the rink with hockey sticks and half without. Saturday 13.00-14.15 without hockey sticks Saturday 14.15-15.30 with hockey sticks Sunday 13.00-14.15 without hockey sticks Sunday 14.15-15.30 with hockey sticks Please note: Saturday 25/11 and Sunday 26/11 public skating is cancelled due to a figure skating competition. Danderydsvallen main rink (usually with hockey sticks but half with/without until the small rink opens) Tuesday 16.00-19.30 Saturday 12.00-18.00 Sunday 12.00-15.00 Danderydsvallen small rink (without hockey sticks) Monday to Thursday 09.00-21.00 Fredag 09.00-19.00 Saturday 11.00-17.00 Sunday 11.00-19.00 Please note: the small rink is set up at the beginning of December at the earliest, depending on the weather. Have fun and wear a helmet if possible - adults included!
Midsummer in Kvarnparken Festivities start at 1pm and include things like chocolate wheels, archery, sweets fishing, a children's flag parade and with coffee available to buy. The midsummer pole will be raised and then dancing, games and a show by Danderyds Folkdanslag. Midsummer at Enebybergs gård Meet there at 9am to join in the dressing of the midsummer pole - bring flowers with you. The pole will be raised at 11am (with some help from anyone with strong arms) and the celebrations with dancing, games and a chance to buy refreshments starts at 1pm. Midsummer in Djursholms slottspark The last of the celebrations is at Djursholm town hall park (the park in front of the 'castle') The midsummer pole will be raised at 4.45pm and then dancing, games and a show by Danderyds Folkdanslag. IFORM Danderyd gym at Enebyberg has opened a cafe, full of yummy things, including lunch specials each weekday between 11am and 3pm. Opening times are:
Mon-Thur 10.00-20.00 Fri 10.00-17.00 Sat 09.00-17.00 Sun 12.00-20.00 Have you eaten there yet? Let us know in the comments below or send us a message, telling us what it is like! Register now (by 22nd August if you'd like the reduced rate of 250kr) if you're planning to run in the 2017 Gothenburg half-marathon and want to get a good place by running in the seed race in Danderyd. It is on 4th September, from 1pm, at Enebybergs IP. You can pay on the day - it will then be 350kr. Click here for all the details UL
On my way to the supermarket, I spotted a sign for a fitness suite. Intrigued, I decided to pull in and find out more.
Part of our Rinkeby wood is being dug up during the summer holidays to make space for a new 'snow depot' - where the snow that is cleared from the roads in the winter is dealt with. The previous snow depot was on a piece of land that has been sold, somewhat controversially, to Good to Great Tennis Academy, who will build an elite tennis academy - Catella Arena - on the site (see our recent post about the arena here).
The 5000 square metre site (about the size of a football pitch) is not in the area of the woods that is a Nature Reserve. It is behind the recycling area off Edsbergsvägen where the car park for Danderyds Golfklubb is. Although the neighbourhood needs and wants the depot, people living around the site received no warning that it was coming and have criticised the council for not giving any notice. The nature association, Naturskyddsföreningen, was also not pleased that no environmental study was conducted first. The main concern for them is that when snow is dumped, oil from the road and bits of tarmac naturally come too and that would like to see what will happen to that when the snow melts. The site will open in the autumn (2016) and the kommun plans to evaluate the environmental impact before the first snow comes.
Kvarnparken, 1pm. The party starts with a raffle, arrow throwing, lucky dip, coffee, home-baked bread, hotdogs and sweets for sale. At 2.15, there is a children's flag parade. The midsummer pole is raised at 2.30 with speeches, dancing and games. Then there will be a performance by Danderyds Folkdanslag (folk dancing). The party finishes at 4.30pm.
Enebybergs Gård, 9am. Gate fee 20kr per adult. The midsummer pole is decorated in the morning - bring flowers and leaves (on branches). At 11am, it will be raised and strong arms are welcome at this point. Singing and dancing is at 1pm, also with Danderyds Folkdanslag. Squash and coffee available to buy. The party ends at 3pm. Djursholms slottspark, 4.45pm. The party starts with the raising of the midsummer pole. Then there will be dancing and singing and plenty of entertainment, including a folk dance performance. Ice cream and squash available to buy. Let us know how you have celebrated this year on our Facebook page! Our local shopping centre, Enebyängen, is getting a real boost this summer - Ikea is moving in! However, it won't be an ordinary store, it is called 'Ikea Service och Pick up', will be just 20% of the size of a normal shop and customers can pick up online orders there day...and night. The showroom will be home to kitchen, wardrobing and bathroom planning services, furniture to try out and around 100 small items you can buy and take home directly.
This is the first store in this concept to open in Sweden but there others across Europe. The kommun is very happy to have the company open here. |
AuthorI'm an English gal with a Swedish husband and children living permanently in Danderyd. These are my thoughts on what is going on around here. Sign up here for the latest posts via email:
January 2023