Each year we try to take some good photos of the midsummer celebrations in Danderyd, including the dancing around the pole and the large number of people it takes to get it standing upright. Last year, it rained. We danced in wellies and raincoats. I took some photos but they aren't worth sharing so here is one from a previous year, in the sunshine :) Below are details of the three celebrations in Danderyd on Friday 24th June this year: |
Enebybergs Gård, 9am. Gate fee 20kr per adult. The midsummer pole is decorated in the morning - bring flowers and leaves (on branches). At 11am, it will be raised and strong arms are welcome at this point. Singing and dancing is at 1pm, also with Danderyds Folkdanslag. Squash and coffee available to buy. The party ends at 3pm.
Djursholms slottspark, 4.45pm. The party starts with the raising of the midsummer pole. Then there will be dancing and singing and plenty of entertainment, including a folk dance performance. Ice cream and squash available to buy.
Let us know how you have celebrated this year on our Facebook page!